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For Women Who Want More Time, More Wealth And More Freedom From Their Business…

How Female Experts, Coaches & Freelancers Can Transform Their Business Into a Stress-Free, Flourishing 6-figure Empire Working Just 3 Days Per Week

So You Never Have To Sacrifice Your Time, Money, Energy, Focus And Family.

Best of all...

  • Get paid what you’re worth

  • Working when you want

  • From where you want

  • And with who you want

And if you'll let me I'd like to show you how on this very page...

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What Is Women’s Wealth Formula 

Women's Wealth Formula is a counterintuitive approach to building a thriving digital business for women, by women… 

Women, like me, who deeply feel true wealth is about more than just money in the bank. 

True wealth is having the time, freedom and control to choose your goals and passionately follow a life of abundance.

Free from guilt, unnecessary sacrifice and losing your identity in day to day grind. 

You're unique and so is your version of True Wealth. 

True wealth can be the 6-figure revenue, the joy of knowing your value, the ability to work as much (or as little as you want) and it can be freedom to spend time with your family whenever you wish 

Naturally - I believe it’s all of these.

And the good news is - you already have the ability to create your version of True Wealth

And, if you’ll let me, I’d love to show you how in the next few minutes  … right here, right now, on this very page. 

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What Others Are Saying...

There Is A Better Way…

Women's Wealth Formula is a 3 part system for helping busy women transform your gifts and expertise into a business that effortlessly attracts dream clients. 

That doesn’t require 24/7 work, building complicated funnels, or spending countless hours on social media.

It’s about having your cake and being able to eat it too.

Creating a stress-free, low maintenance digital business that can grow into 6-figures (or more), working the hours you choose…

…even if that’s a 3 day workweek…   


By aligning your business with your values and putting you in control 

  • We’ll help you identify your superpower
  • ​Create a high value offer that naturally attracts dream clients to you
  • And find the best niche or market to grow your business in 2022

Knowing exactly how to grow a business that aligns with your values and passion. 

Naturally attracting clients to you, instead of you chasing them. 
In turn freeing you from guilt, vulnerability and uncertainty. 
That's The Women's Wealth Formula… 

And here’s why this is the most important thing you will ever need for your success


The Women's Wealth Formula

(Video Training)

The entire Women's Wealth Formula system uncovered with nothing held back 

INSTANT ACCESS                           PRICE: $3

7 FREE Fast Action Bonuses

5 Clients In 5 Days 

(Mini Course)

An over-the-shoulder breakdown of how we get 5 clients in 5 days. The ultimate instant business booster

INSTANT ACCESS                  PRICE: $37   FREE

Your Secret Superpower

(Interactive Quiz)

Discover your secret superpower and the best way to maximise your unique talents to grow a wealth business

INSTANT ACCESS                           PRICE: $47 FREE

YouCan! Affirmations

(MP3 Download)

Sit back, relax and let your subconscious mind do all the hard work for you, with these life transforming affirmations.

INSTANT ACCESS                           PRICE: $47 FREE

Ideas To Income Strategy Calculator 


Discover how much you can make with the hours you want to work (and easily change your pricing model to suit).

INSTANT ACCESS                           PRICE: $27 FREE

The YouCan! Community Access 

(Join Community)

Join hundreds in the Women's Wealth private community to see exactly how entrepreneurs are growing their businesses using this formula. 

INSTANT ACCESS                           PRICE: $37 FREE

5 Day Fast Start Video Series 

(Mini Course)

Get started fast and get results faster. This short video training has everything you need to create your Women's Wealth Business (plus an exciting secret bonus too)

INSTANT ACCESS                           PRICE: $37 FREE

 Available For Instant Download

The Only System You'll Ever Need To Grow A Wealth Business You Choose

I put everything I've learned, everything I use myself in this  course so that you can learn

from my mistakes, my wins, as well as benefitting from all the time, effort, and money that has gone

into the experiences that made their way into this course.

Here’s Everything You’re Getting With The 

Women's Wealth Formula

The Women's Wealth Formula

(Video Training)

The entire Women's Wealth Formula system uncovered with nothing held back 

INSTANT ACCESS                                  PRICE: $3


5 Clients In 5 Days

(Video Training)

An over-the-shoulder breakdown of how we get 5 clients in 5 days. The ultimate instant business booster 

INSTANT ACCESS                           PRICE: $37     FREE


Your Secret Superpower

(Interactive Quiz)

Discover your secret superpower and the best way to maximise your unique talents to grow a wealth business

INSTANT ACCESS                           PRICE: $37     FREE


YouCan! Affirmations

(MP3 Download)

Sit back, relax and let your subconscious mind do all the hard work for you, with these life transforming affirmations 

INSTANT ACCESS                           PRICE: $27     FREE


Ideas To Income Strategy Calculator


Discover how much you can make with the hours you want to work (and easily change your pricing model to suit)

INSTANT ACCESS                            PRICE: $27     FREE


The YouCan! Community

(Community Access)

Join hundreds in the YouCan! Private Community to see exactly how other women are growing their businesses using this formula

INSTANT ACCESS                                                        PRICE: $37     FREE


5 Day Fast Start Video Series

(Mini Course)

Get started fast and get results faster. This short video training has everything you need to create your Women's Wealth Business

INSTANT ACCESS                                                        PRICE: $37     FREE


100% Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you're not 100% satisfied with your purchase, send an email to [email protected] and we will issue you a full refund within 24 hours back to your credit card

Here’s Everything You’re Getting With The 

Women's Wealth Formula

The Women's Wealth Formula

(Video Training)

The entire Women's Wealth Formula system uncovered with nothing held back 

INSTANT ACCESS                                  PRICE: $3


5 Clients In 5 Days

(Video Training)

An over-the-shoulder breakdown of how we get 5 clients in 5 days. The ultimate instant business booster 

INSTANT ACCESS                           PRICE: $37     FREE


Your Secret Superpower

(Interactive Quiz)

Discover your secret superpower and the best way to maximise your unique talents to grow a wealth business

INSTANT ACCESS                                                        PRICE: $37     FREE


YouCan! Affirmations

(MP3 Download)

Sit back, relax and let your subconscious mind do all the hard work for you, with these life transforming affirmations 

INSTANT ACCESS                                                        PRICE: $27     FREE


Ideas To Income Strategy Calculator


Discover how much you can make with the hours you want to work (and easily change your pricing model to suit)

INSTANT ACCESS                                                        PRICE: $27     FREE


The YouCan! Community

(Community Access)

Join hundreds in the YouCan! Private Community to see exactly how other women are growing their businesses using this formula

INSTANT ACCESS                                                        PRICE: $37     FREE


5 Day Fast Start Video Series

(Mini Course)

Get started fast and get results faster. This short video training has everything you need to create your Women's Wealth Business

INSTANT ACCESS                                                        PRICE: $37     FREE


100% Money Back Guarantee

If for any reason you're not 100% satisfied with your purchase, send an email to [email protected] and we will issue you a full refund within 24 hours back to your credit card

How I grew two multi-6 figure businesses, Ignoring all the Common Wisdom, Breaking ALL The Rules, And Turning The Traditional ‘Hustle Till You Drop’ Model On Its Head

 This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You'veEver Heard of Before - Read The Story Below To Discover The Women's Wealth Formula...

Dear Future Wealth Creator

From: The desk of Sarah Jolley-Jarvis

Re: Your Freedom (and why this is the only way to grow a digital business)

Surprised to discover that you can turn your expertise, hobby and passion into a 6 figure income? 

I thought you might be...

Would it surprise you even more to learn I did the same thing with two businesses...

As well as writing an international best selling book, winning numerous business awards, hosting a top downloaded podcast, all while working just 4 days a week


That’s not the whole story… 

I did all this while taking 3 years out to have a family, nursing my husband through a serious illness and still finding the time to enjoy my life long passion (riding horses)...

Am I super woman? 

No - I’m just a regular woman, like you, who’s discovered something incredible. 

Something that you’re about to discover on this very page. 

Something that will unlock the potential I know already exists inside of you. 

Would it also surprise you to learn that you can do it too — all from the information you're about to discover in this course!


You should be. 

After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet :-) 

so let me prove it to you

But first, read this disclaimer:

I have the benefit of running my many years now. 

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.
Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.
All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS COURSE.

And yes, it took me time, energy and sacrifice to develop the skills needed to sell, close and scale my business
 With that said … let me jump right in and show you...

And I Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive System That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The same Women's Wealth Formula that women from all over the world are now using to get dream clients right now (and actually enjoy doing so)…  

...In turn, growing your businesses faster than ever before…


Working fewer hours than you thought possible...   

Imagine enjoying the freedom of controlling, how and when your next dream client joins…

And the ability to work when you want, where you want and for as few hours as you choose.   

So you too can enjoying the unwavering confidence that comes with knowing you can get dream clients whenever you want them!   

...So forget the naysayers who say it’s a choice between business and family.  

The same ones who advocate a toxic “Hustle Till You Drop” mantra.   

The same people who are chronically tired, unhappy, and often struggling to make either their businesses, their home lives, or both, work.    

It’s easy to have it all, the growing business, the dream clients, the family, th